10 Rules of Subject Verb Agreement with 5 Examples Each

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental rule in English grammar that every writer and editor must adhere to. When the subject and verb don`t agree, it can make the sentence confusing, and it also reflects poorly on the writer or editor`s skills. In this article, we`ll be discussing ten rules of subject-verb agreement and providing five examples for each rule.

Rule 1: Singular subjects take singular verbs


– The cat jumps over the fence.

– The dog barks at the postman.

– The car runs on gasoline.

– The flower smells sweet.

– The child plays with toys.

Rule 2: Plural subjects take plural verbs


– The cats jump over the fence.

– The dogs bark at the postman.

– The cars run on gasoline.

– The flowers smell sweet.

– The children play with toys.

Rule 3: Compound subjects joined by `and` take a plural verb


– Tom and Jerry are watching TV.

– The cat and the dog are playing in the park.

– Coffee and tea are my favorite drinks.

– Scissors and glue are needed for the project.

– Apples and bananas are fruits.

Rule 4: Singular subjects joined by `or` or `nor` take a singular verb


– Harry or Ron is coming to the party.

– Neither the cat nor the dog is allowed inside.

– Either Mary or Jane is going to the concert.

– Neither the book nor the movie is interesting.

– Either the coffee or the tea is fine.

Rule 5: When the subject is a collective noun, it can take either a singular or plural verb depending on the context


– The team is working hard to win the game. (singular)

– The team are all celebrating their victory. (plural)

– The committee is meeting to discuss the budget. (singular)

– The committee are divided on this issue. (plural)

– The family is going on vacation. (singular)

– The family are packing their bags. (plural)

Rule 6: Indefinite pronouns like `everyone,` `someone,` `anyone,` `nobody` take a singular verb


– Everyone knows that. (singular)

– Someone is knocking on the door. (singular)

– Anyone can do it. (singular)

– Nobody was there. (singular)

– Each of us is responsible. (singular)

Rule 7: Indefinite pronouns like `some,` `most,` `all` can take either a singular or plural verb depending on the context


– Some of the cake is left. (singular)

– Some of the students are absent. (plural)

– Most of the water is gone. (singular)

– Most of the books are unread. (plural)

– All of the money is there. (singular)

– All of the people are cheering. (plural)

Rule 8: Titles and names of companies are always singular


– Microsoft develops software. (singular)

– Apple designs computers. (singular)

– Google provides web services. (singular)

– Nike creates sportswear. (singular)

– McDonald`s serves fast food. (singular)

Rule 9: When gerunds are used as the subject, they take a singular verb


– Singing is my hobby. (singular)

– Playing football is fun. (singular)

– Dancing requires practice. (singular)

– Running is good for health. (singular)

– Writing needs creativity. (singular)

Rule 10: Titles of books, movies, and plays are singular


– Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story. (singular)

– The Shawshank Redemption is a classic movie. (singular)

– To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee. (singular)

– The Wizard of Oz is a children`s book. (singular)

– The Lion King is a popular musical. (singular)

In conclusion, these ten rules of subject-verb agreement form the foundation of grammatical correctness in writing and editing. Adhering to these rules will not only improve the clarity of your writing but also showcase your language skills. As a professional, following these rules will also help in optimizing web content for better search engine rankings.

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